Every Fahan girl participates in the Big Sister, Little Sister program, a unique initiative of the student wellbeing focus that links the students from Kindergarten through to Year 12. Its purpose is to initiate relationships between students from different year groups, allowing younger girls to move through other areas of the School with confidence whilst fostering a sense of responsibility amongst the older students.
As part of Fahan’s Pastoral care program, at the beginning of each year students are organised into ‘families.’ Family members are selected from a broad range of year levels. These families stay the same throughout a student’s life at Fahan. When a member leaves, new students take their place so that a family always has between 5-7 members. Every family has a member from the Early Learning Centre and the Senior School. Families meet several times each term to participate in fun activities where they get to know each other better and interact by playing games, enjoying BBQs and entering drawing competitions.
The Big Sister, Little Sister program provides an additional support network for students in younger years who can turn to a member of their ‘family’ for support or assistance if they need to. It allows younger students to move through all areas of the School with confidence because they know and recognise girls in the senior years. The program also builds essential leadership skills amongst older students, developing their sense of responsibility. This program has been running since the 1980s and is part of our proactive approach to ensuring that our students are happy, proud of themselves and their school and exhibit the values of Fahan School.