Teaching is a challenging and rewarding profession and one of which I feel very proud. As a teacher, I am continually learning. I learn every day from students and my colleagues. As teachers we advocate for the children in our care, challenging each other’s thinking and practice to ensure we provide diverse and inclusive programs.
I am a passionate primary school teacher, experienced in teaching across the Junior School. I have spent most of my career at Fahan and appreciate this unique environment that fosters and empowers children to have confidence in themselves and to take risks by experiencing a wide variety of academic and extra-curricular activities. As a long-standing staff member, it has been an absolute privilege to have taught children in the Junior School and to follow their learning journey at Fahan until leaving Year 12 as confident and capable young adults. I have witnessed the advantages that we can give students in terms of academic achievement, self-confidence, and a core belief in their potential to make a difference in the world.
I believe that schools should be welcoming and engaging and that when we work with children, we are also working with their families. I value the relationships and input that I have had working in this unique, small school setting and the supportive and nurturing environment that Fahan provides. One of the many aspects of our school that makes me proud to teach here is the way each child is respected as an individual and encouraged to learn through the exploration of their world, with the support of teachers, peers and parents in a learning community.
In my personal life, I feel much gratitude for my family and to live in such a beautiful place in the world. A place where I can spend time in my garden, go for a walk in the bush or swim in the sea by simply walking to the end of my street. I am passionate about taking care of the place in which we live and, like many people, the climate crisis, caring for the planet and valuing community are issues that are important to me. This aligns closely with my educational belief in the importance of unstructured play, time spent in nature, daily rhythms, laughter, compassion, and a calm environment. Children are our future, and it is important for them to develop a connection to the natural world.