Emily moved to Sydney in 1997 to start a Bachelor of Sports Coaching and Physical Education at The Australian College of Physical Education. During this time she also worked for three years at Presbyterian Ladies College, as a boarding house tutor and coached a range of sporting teams from cricket to rowing.
“After completing my studies in Sydney I was given an opportunity to complete my final practicuum at Fahan School in 2000. It was during this time that I was offered a teaching position. Fortunately for me it was possibly the best school to start and establish my career as a young teacher. Fahan has offered me a range of opportunities and I am very grateful for this.
Some of the greatest things about teaching at Fahan are the enthusiastic and positive students and staff that I get to work with everyday; the fact that students at Fahan are always willing to have a go – this is particularly evident when trying to field sporting teams in a range of sporting rosters and that Fahan girls always achieve over and above the School expectations. This is a result of the strength and determination they put into all that do and the fact that the girls and staff alike are supportive of each other’s need and accepting of individual differences.”